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Wood excluded from green energy transition

  • 1.  Wood excluded from green energy transition

    Posted 10-17-2024 13:56

    Quote from the article

    "When pol­i­ti­cians tell you the green tran­si­tion is here and we need to get on board, they are ask­ing vot­ers to con­tinue bank­roll­ing in­vest­ment in failed strat­e­gies that don't ad­dress the un­der­ly­ing prob­lems. A more in­tel­li­gent ap­proach is needed to en­sure that green en­ergy tech­nol­o­gies be­come vi­a­ble and widely ac­cessible."

    Wood waste and debris needs to be part of any green energy.

    Dallin Brooks
    Executive Director